Life at Ellis

Student Life

A Comprehensive Experience

Understanding that a rich and challenging program extends beyond the classroom, 澳门新葡新京官方为学生提供了丰富的机会来发展他们自己的目标感和激情.

Student Traditions

At Ellis, girls forge strong friendships and lifelong memories through on-campus activities, events, 以及庆祝澳门官方老葡京的习俗,并在日常生活中注入大量乐趣. Whether it’s indulging in mouthwatering plates of food on Heritage Day, watching Lower School students parade around campus in their Halloween costumes, or transforming Upper School student lounges for Color Wars, 这些受人喜爱的Ellis时刻为学生们在上学期间彼此联系创造了一个令人兴奋和热情的环境. For seniors, Kilt Destruction Day, Senior Luncheon, and Senior Class Day mark the beginning of the end of their time at Ellis, and serve as unforgettable memories as they embark on their next chapter.

List of 14 items.

  • Green and White Teams

    In their first year at Ellis, 每个学生都被分配到绿队或白队,他们在澳门新葡新京官方的整个学习过程中都待在同一个队. At the beginning of each school year, 学生们参加由澳门新葡新京官方体育协会主办的绿白比赛. Past games have included relay races, obstacle courses, and dodgeball games.
  • Heritage Day

    Heritage Day is the celebration of different cultures within the School. 学生们被鼓励穿着来自他们的传统国家的服装,并与他们的同龄人分享传统. In the Lower School, 学生们全天参加不同的活动,学习他们可能一无所知的文化. The most exciting part of the day, however, is lunch. 所有部门的家长都报名参加,从他们有联系的国家烹饪食物,并带来给所有学生享用. Known as “the best day of the year” to most students, Heritage Day is a day at Ellis that no one wants to miss.
  • Holiday Shop

    Hosted by the Ellis Parents Association, 节日商店每年12月举行,中学生有机会出售自己制作的物品. 学生们在年初加入澳门新葡新京官方企业家俱乐部,学习如何定价和销售商品. 利用这些知识,他们创造出从针织帽到薄荷树皮再到珠宝等商品,在假日商店出售.
  • Senior Privileges

    当学生们进入澳门新葡新京官方大学的最后一年时,他们被授予高级特权,为他们作为一名大学生的独立性和责任感做好准备. 学生可以在周五穿自己的衣服,直到高中早午餐后参加基尔特破坏日. Once their kilts are quite literally deconstructed, seniors no longer have to wear the uniform to campus. Seniors are also granted “come and go” privileges. If students do not have class, they are not required to be on campus. Many students use this privilege to go grab a coffee or lunch during the day. If they don’t have class before 9:30 a.m. or after 1:30 p.m., 高年级学生可以稍微晚一点来或早点离开,去追求其他的体验和业余爱好.
  • Halloween Parade

    Every year for Halloween, students have the opportunity to dress up in costumes for the day. The highlight of Halloween, however, is the Lower School Halloween parade. 从学前班到四年级的学生,甚至是一些日托的孩子,都在院子和中高学校的建筑里排队游行,以便年长的学生, families, and faculty can view and celebrate their costumes.
  • Fine Arts Fest

    A celebration of the arts at Ellis, the Fine Arts Festival is a biennial event that features performances, demonstrations, and workshops. Students involved in the performing arts such as band, orchestra, glee, and dance show off their talents in performances throughout the day. 学生在视觉艺术课上的作品在整个学校展出,鼓励学生在校园里走走,体验他们的作品. Students also give artistic demonstrations. Additionally, 美术节是教师和学生展示新技术和创客教育方法的时间,这是澳门新葡新京官方美术课程不可或缺的一部分.
  • Spirit Week

    Taking place during the week leading up to the homecoming dance, Spirit Week allows students to be out of their uniform and take part in fun activities. Hosted by the Ellis Athletic Association and Upper School Student Council, each day of the week has a different theme or activity. Some themes have included dressing up as twins, a character, or as a tourist. At the end of the week, each grade level participates in Color Wars. Seniors assign each grade in the Upper School a specific color (Ellis green, kiwi brown, etc.)和学生们一起创造性地用这种颜色装饰他们整个年级的休息室.
  • Senior Class Day

    Every year, the senior class picks a day to collectively skip school. Students will use the day to catch up on work, hang out as a class, or just take a much needed day of rest as it typically happens right before AP exams begin.
  • Senior Shenanigans Day

    One of the most anticipated days of the year, “高年级恶作剧日”顾名思义就是:高年级学生在高年级搞恶作剧的日子. Kept a secret from the rest of the students, 高年级学生花了几个星期的时间来策划完美的恶作剧,以捉弄高年级的每个年级和教师. Typically, 高年级学生为这一天挑选一个整体主题,并根据他们选择的主题进行恶作剧. 过去的主题包括“你被烤了”,“澳门新葡新京官方营”和“科切拉”(科切拉的戏剧). Pranks have ranged from turning the freshman lounge into a nursery, to bringing in dogs, to gift wrapping a teacher’s entire desk.
  • Kilt Destruction Day

    After spending years in the Ellis uniform, students tend to grow tired of the plaid kilt and constant Ellis green. 苏格兰方格呢裙毁灭日给了老年人自由的空间,把他们的澳门新葡新京官方制服(通常是苏格兰方格呢裙)变成另一件衣服或配饰. Students have made scarves, covered shoes, camera straps, and even a Batman cape and mask.
  • Senior Brunch

    Senior Brunch marks the beginning of graduation season for the senior class. Held at The University Club in Oakland, 这个仪式可以让学生和他们的父母和他们的姐妹班一起享受早午餐,并听校长的演讲, the Head of Upper School, and a faculty member of their choosing.
  • Ellis Lifer Tea

    从幼儿园到12年级就读于澳门新葡新京官方的学生被称为澳门新葡新京官方“终身学生”。. While there are only a handful in each class, this select group takes great pride in attending Ellis for their entire academic career. In June of their senior year, 低年级的老师们组织了一个茶会,让学生们重新联系并回忆他们在低年级度过的时光. A video of their fourth grade Lower School musical performance is also played during the tea.
  • Closing Exercises

    At the end of every year, 所有三个部门聚集在一起庆祝学生的成就,并为四年级送行, 8, and 12 as they move up to the next division, or chapter of their lives. During Middle and Upper School Closing Exercises, students are presented with awards that they are nominated for by the faculty. Students in Middle School receive awards such as the Community Cup and the English prize. Students in the Upper School receive awards from the English Prize to the Benjamin R. Fisher Cup which is awarded to a student who has given outstanding service to the school. Lower School students participate in the Moving Up Ceremony during Closing Exercises. 每个年级在礼堂里都有指定的座位,在仪式上他们从现在的座位转移到下一个年级的座位上.
  • Commencement

    One of the most anticipated events of the year, 毕业典礼是高年级学生的庆祝活动,也是他们离开澳门官方老葡京的最后一次告别. 毕业典礼在澳门新葡新京官方庭院举行,整个澳门新葡新京官方社区都被邀请参加,因为高年级学生获得文凭,正式成为澳门新葡新京官方毕业生.

Clubs and Activities

List of 1 items.

  • Lower School

    Book Making
    Cooking with a Book
    Let's Dance
    Let's Get Crafty
    Painting Without Brushes

List of 1 items.

  • Middle School

    Board Games
    Bollywood Movies
    Chick Flix: Movie Club
    Collage Club
    Eighth Grade Slideshow
    Gardening Club
    Harry Potter Mania
    Lego Club
    Middle School Guild: Community Service Club
    Middle School Student Council
    Party Games
    Readers Anonymous
    Sewing Club
    Student Diversity League
    Tabletop Club
    Tiger Ink Newspaper
    Ukulele Club

List of 1 items.

  • Upper School

    Animal Human Alliance
    Astronomy Club
    Brain Bee
    Chess Club
    Creative Writing/Non-Fiction
    Design Club
    Ellis Athletics Association
    Ellis Literary Magazine
    Ellis Theater Company
    Ellisian Fields Yearbook
    Ellisian Times Newspaper
    French Club
    Junior Classical League
    Model United Nations
    Peer Tutoring
    Spanish Club
    Speech and Debate
    Tabletop Club
    Upper School Guild: Community Service Club
    Upper School Student Council

Health and Wellness

澳门新葡新京官方致力于在女孩成熟的过程中为她们提供智力、情感和身体上的支持. We know that when a student has a healthy mind, body, and spirit—she is prepared and excited to pursue her academic ambitions. At Ellis, our vision is to not only provide an excellent education for every student, 而是要培养和发展每个女孩的福祉,让她能在学校和生活中茁壮成长.

Meet Our Team

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Susanne Osche

    Ms. Susanne Osche 

    School Nurse
  • Photo of Karen Boyer

    Ms. Karen Boyer 

    School Counselor

School Nurse

The nurse is responsible for immediate care of illness and injury, and bridges the gap between healthcare and education to advance academic excellence. The nurse administers prescription and over-the-counter medicines, completes physical health assessments, treats immediate injuries and ailments, manages health forms and emergency action plans, and provides health screenings to students. The nurse also intermittently teaches health classes to students on nutrition, hygiene, body image, and development throughout the course of the year.
A key member of the Ellis Health and Safety Committee, the nurse addresses all health and safety concerns for the School, files incident and accident reports, and keeps track of trends, issues, and epidemics in the region. At Ellis, an open line of communication between families and the nurse is of paramount importance, and parents are consulted on all aspects of at-school care.

School Counselor

The School Counselor offers personalized attention, confidential counseling, classroom instruction on health and wellness, parent education, small group sessions, and developmentally-appropriate guidance to Ellis girls. Whether it’s body image, eating habits, family pressures, or stress relief, 辅导员提供工具和建议策略,教学生如何设定界限, reduce stress, resolve conflict, build confidence, and speak for themselves. In addition to independent guidance, the counselor offers parent and family consultations, supplementary support resources and referrals, transition and intervention services, and collaborative teaching in the health curriculum and advisory program.
This individualized attention from the school counselor is available to every student, for ongoing support or one-time care, as they recognize and pursue their academic and personal goals. 咨询办公室实行保密和开放的政策,这是澳门新葡新京官方护理圈的一部分.

The Uniform

The uniform is a statement of community and serves to underscore the School motto, Esse Quam Videri: To Be, Rather Than to Seem. At Ellis, we value the inner character of a girl rather than her outside appearance. In uniform, a girl instantly belongs—she is part of a community. 她不再关注自己的外表,而是把注意力放在实质问题上. She can find her inner voice, focus on her studies, and become the person she is meant to be. Wearing the Ellis uniform implies pride in the group. In Lower and Middle School, the uniform is neat, comfortable, and flexible, encouraging active play and learning. The Upper School uniform, with its broader array of options, offers each girl subtle and creative ways to express her personal style and school spirit.